3D Printing

Welcome to another one of the blog! 
Today I will be documenting on how I will be making my 3D model using fusion360! I am thrilled to show how I documented, as 3D printing has always been one of the things I wanted to try out since young. During the activity, I learnt a lot of new things. Apart from already knowing how to simple 3D objects using fusion360, I learnt that I can also make a much more complicated 3D model using Fusion360. ✌ 

After finishing my initial plane model, one of the lecturer told me that I did not do properly as I have misunderstood the meaning of subtractive method hence I have to redo from scratch. He gave us a few options, one of which is the 2 rings together. Time was really tight as I had to redo the entire process from scratch+ the time needed to print the 3D model was tight as well. 

Documentation (Fusion360) 😖

1. Firstly, we got to create a sketch and select on the plane that we want to place our rings on. After selecting the plane, select on the circle icon to create a circle.

2. Create a smaller circle in the big circle, the picture is as shown below:)

3. Next click on the extrude function in order to create thickness on the ring. Do not that the ring should be selected and not the inner circle.

4. Upon finishing creating one of the ring, we can create another ring by using a duplicate function. It is done by selecting the entire ring, after that the table on the side side will be shown like the picture below. Click on the "Create a copy" at the bottom of the table, drag out the ring, the duplicated ring will be created.😒

5. After that, one of the ring is then rotated 90 degrees, after being rotated about 90 degrees, it is then moved into one of the ring in such a way that both rings are connected.

6. The final product is as shown below, it should look something like this.

Documentation (Ultimaker Cura) 

1. The first thing I did once I opened cura was upload my file from Fusion360. Select a suitable device, which is Creality Ender-3. The functions I set were standard quality and 20% fill so that it will not waste too much material.

2. Move the 3D model within the 3D printer's range. Set an appropriate size so that it does not take too long to print as we were given around 1-2h to print.

In general I feel that my remade model is not possible to to by a subtractive method as it is not easy to chip off or craved out the excess plastic into a perfect rings that are held together as shown in the picture above. It is difficult to craved out as extreme precision is needed in order to obtained the desired result, hence additive method is way easier since no removing of the excess part is needed.

In today's lesson, I leant the actual meaning of subtractive method from the lecturer, my initial 3D model was made wrongly hence I had to redo the entire blog again and print another 3D model from scratch. Time was really tight hence I chose the easier design that the teach gave for the model which are the rings.

In this 3D activity, I have experienced something that I have never experienced before. 3D printing has always been one of the things I wanted to try since young, and during the printing process, I have learnt quite a few things. One of the things that I have learnt is that it is much more efficient and cheaper to do additive method as compared to subtractive method. Another thing that I have learnt is that certain type of design needed a support with adhesion to prevent the model from moving during the printing process. 

When I redid the 3D model, the second time I did I make sure that I added adhesion together with the support to ensure that the model stays at its respective position and place on the 3D printer. As such it turned out better than the first try, and the final product is as shown below.

Here is a video of who the actual model looks! 💨

The fusion360 model below is how the actual model should look like! 


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