CAD Refresher

WELCOME TO MY BLOGGG. TodayπŸ˜†, we were tasked to make a keychain as well as a phone stand as part of the assessment for CAD. All these were what we learnt last semester ! I am going to show you how i did it in a step by step process πŸ’–

1. The very first step i did was to create a sketch where a rectangle is created with a dimension of 65mm by 25mm

2. Next, offset was selected where it offset the sketch by 2mm. This is then followed by fillet on 4 borders of the rectangle with a 5mm radius ! πŸ‘€

3. Then a line in a triangle was made by right clicking on normal/constructions and select dimensions and click on both lines to define a 7mm distance between them.

4. By using point tool near the top left, create a point along the dotted line. After the point is made, next create a 5mm circle at the point, which is what i have gotten below. πŸ‘€

5. After that, we create a text, then a name is typed into the key chain ! Impact font was used, however, you can use any font u want =). The name has to be positioned nicely into the keychain as well.

6. Click on the finish sketch, extrude the keychain by 3mm, without the hole, if not it'll not turn out right. πŸ‘Š

7. Hide the body and only show the sketch view, this is to allow us to see our own sketch of how it suppose to look like. Select your name and border and extrude by 1.5mm. This is how it is suppose to look like.

8. Lastly, hide the sketch and change the appearance of the keychain to your liking:) For me i like it plain and simple so i will leave it as it is. Quite cute isn't ? ✌✌✌

What i did for the name tag is basically what i did last semester, so i did not learn anything new in particular. However, what i find that is useful is that, this activity help me practice the skillset needed for Fusion360 ! As i do more and more of Fusion360, i can perfect this skillset hence i will improve along the way.

Another assessment is a handphone stand. Sounds very cool, isn't? It is the star of today's ! I was tasked to create it! During the process of me doing the stand it was really fun 😎

Handphone Stand πŸ’–

Finally, we have come to the creation of the handphone stand part of the blog! It was a really fun process for me trying to create this stand. πŸ˜‹

1. First off, a circle shape was created using a simple sketch tool. Next a human shape was created using a fit point spline. Creating these curve points is the hardest part for me. It was the first time i had used it, it took me quite some time to finish this 😐

2. This is how it looks like after the fit point spline process!

3.  Right after the fit point process, i extruded both shapes and make a hole on the circle platform. The curved edged is a space that holds the phone in place, while the human figure is meant to for the phone to be lean on.

4. The human shaped is then placed onto the platform. It is done by using the move function and modify section.

5. Lastly, materials of choice that i have chosen is wood ! To me, wood looks very aesthetic and pleasing ✌ Here is a view of my handphone stand from different views! 

References: 2021. Error – Blackboard Learn. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 27 October 2021]. 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 27 October 2021].
AlopezEDU (2019) Create a Keychain in Fusion 360 [online video] Available at: <> [Accessed 21 October 2021]


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