Alright, first of all my name is Kittitat and i am from team Trio. In this semester i will be taking a module called  chemical product design and development ! Sounds fun right ? This blog is where i will be documenting each and every action i took and what i will be learning from this module. Of course there will ups and downs in my journey, but i do hope you will stick with me along the way as i develop my chemical product into something great ! 😆 IT IS going to be a HARD and long journey but do anticipate the awesome product that my team and i will be producing !!!💓

My Personal Goals

In this module, there are many things that i want to do and learn. One of which is to learn how to use the 3D printer properly and actually create something out of it ! Since young, i have always seen people online using and playing with the 3D printer but i do not have the opportunity to use it. This year i will get the opportunity to use it ! Moreover, i hope i will be able to learn how to apply what i will learn together with my chemical product and make something meaning out of it =) 👏

Strategies that will Help me Achieve my Goals

 In order to achieve my goals, i must do extra research online on how to effectively use the 3D printer. By watching and learning from onlivideosoes, it helps me learn and i will try to replicate what they do onto my very own chemical product. I may fail at first, however that is just a learning process. The more i fail, the more i would learn from my mistakes. 💪

To Determine whether i have Achieved my Goals

At the end of the day the outcome of the product that my group has made will be the determining factor. However, even if it did not turn out as good as we anticipate, we will learn from our mistakes. Moreover, we will use this experience as our stepping stone, to be able to be more familiar on what we need to do in order to create prototypes and experiments. ✌
